1. One word/sentence to describe me/this class is...
2. What was the most valuable thing you did/learned in this class?
3. What was the least valuable thing you did/learned in this class?
4. Which topics were the most/least interesting to you?
5. Did you feel prepared for the Exit Exam (CAHSEE)? If not, how could I have prepared you better?
6. What part of my class would you most like to get rid of/change?
7. What about my teaching style/persona would you change/keep?
8. How was the transition from "regular" class to a flipped/paperless class?
9. What advice would you give my students next year to help them succeed in my class?
10. What do you want me to remember about you?
11. What do you want to remember about my class?
12. What grade did you get? Did you earn that grade?
I want to show you one group's answer to question 9.