And it's funny because it's true.
Andrew and I have been using MentorMob to organise all of our classroom content for the last two years. We use it when we want students to share a text with their peers. We use it when we want to hand back essays but allow whole groups to access them easily. We use them for maintaining an archive of posts on blogs we like.
And we use them for student portfolios. That's where they really shine, honestly. In a very simple format, students are able to upload files, link anything that has a web address, or even create a post that has the basic text editing features. This allows us to grade students' work really easily. Instead of looking for digital work in 10 different places (did you email it to me? did you remember to share it? which email address did you send it to? did you spell it right? what's the title...etc.) we made the students responsible for maintaining their work. If it isn't there, it isn't graded. If it isn't shared correctly, it isn't graded.
Simple. And the students love it.
There are just so many uses for MentorMob that I'm sure there are lots we haven't even thought of.
I'm posting this now without links to playlists. But I will link to all the examples I have in the next day or two. Apologies if you read this before that happens. :-)