This is a crowd-sourced event, so feel free to add your question to the list! If you do add a question, it would be great if you could include your name and/or twitter handle so we can credit you.
As always, it will be a great conversation with a lot of dynamic and innovative teachers. We hope you can join us on Tuesday, 10 July at 5 PM PST. If you can't join us, then I'll be (hopefully) screencasting the whole thing and posting it to our YouTube Channel.
Here is the link to the google doc. Here's the full document if you can't/don't want to access it:
Language Arts/Social Science Webinar
This event will take place on 7/10 at 5 PM PST
The presenter line-up is:
Troy Cockrum (@tcockrun), 7th-8th ELA (St. Ignatious, Indianapolis, IN)
Cheryl Morris (@guster4lovers), 11th-12th ELA (Redwood High School, Marin, CA)
Andrew Thomasson (@thomasson_engl) 11th-12th ELA (King’s Mt High School, King’s Mountain, NC)
Karl Lindgren-Streicher (@kls4711), 9th-10th Social Science (Hillsdale High School, San Mateo, CA)
Crystal Kirch (@crystalkirch) 9th-12th Algebra 1 & Pre-Calculus (Segerstrom High School, Santa Ana, CA)
Kate Petty (@techclassroom) 12th grade ELA, ELD 1 (Trabuco Hills High, Mission Viejo, CA)
Discussion Questions
How does an English teacher flip their class?
What does flipped reading instruction look like?
What role do the CCS play in flipped pedagogy?
How can we learn from/work with other subject area teachers to figure out how to flip English?
Does Explore Flip Apply work in English and history?
What kinds of skills make good videos and (if any) which should remain “unflipped”?*
How can collaborative videos make flipping English more reasonable?
What kinds of project based learning can you do in English?
How can WSQ (Watch Summary Question) & SSS (guided note-taking packet) be used in ELA?
What colour hair do you think Crystal Kirch has?
Any other questions you’d like to add for our consideration can go here:
Question/Poll is found here:
Link to Webinar is here:
Technology Notes:
--You should run AnyMeeting out of Firefox, as Chrome and Safari seem to have issues.
--Before the meeting, you’ll need to create an account and do a system test (
--If you are unable to get into AnyMeeting, Crystal will be checking the hashtag #ELAflip and taking questions from there
--We will make every attempt to record the session and host it on YouTube afterwards (at least on the ThomassonMorrisInstr channel)
If the AnyMeeting site crashes for any reason, we will switch to Google+ Hangout and we’ll add the link on Twitter (hashtags #flipclass and #ELAflip) and our blogs, as well as on this document. You will need stream through YouTube using the link we send out.