We started with a few questions about how people felt stuck in their practice, and what they could do to get unstuck. Then we announced that was the blog topic, and let people go write for 20 minutes.
That's when the magic happened. So far, there have been 18 posts shared as part of the chat, and we hope others will join us asynchronously and we can add to the list!
What follows is a list of everyone who participated in the inaugural Flash Blog Post #flipclass chat.
Cheryl Morris (@guster4lovers) - Getting Stuck and Unstuck
Andrew Thomasson (@thomasson_engl) - The Simple Things
Lee Graves (@lgd32) - Getting out of my rut
Stacy Lovedahl (@braveneutrino) - Tearing off the bandaid
Mickie Gibbs (@MickieGibbs2) - In-class #flipclass Assignment
Ken Bauer (@ken_bauer) - My sticking point in #flipclass
Robin Nehila (@Radical_Robin) - Flash Blog?! Getting Unstuck
Delia Bush (@DeliaBush) - 2 Brains (or 3 or 4) are Better than One
Brian Bennett (@bennettscience) - Find Your Seats
Heather Lye (@MsHLye) - How I Get Unstuck
Tracey Schreoder (@bravesearth) - Just a Little Flip
Kate Baker (@ktbkr4) - Don't Let Your Birkenstocks Get Moldy
Katie Lanier (@lanier_katiesue) - #FlipConTX Reflections
Shai McGowan (@slm12) - Help, I'm stuck and I don't know how to get unstuck...
Angela Breneman (@teachlove4SpEd) #Flipclass Reflection Response
Tamara Samaripa (@tcsamaripa) - Perpetually Stuck
Salty Teacher (@Salty_Teacher) - The First Few Clicks
Sydney Atkins (@sydneydbx) - Confessions from my Flipped Classroom
If you missed #flipclass this week and would like to join the fun, PLEASE DO! Just write a blog post on the topic of being stuck and getting unstuck in your teaching practice, and add a comment to this post with a link to your blog.
As a writer, I know I love to get comments on what I write, so please also take the time to read and comment on the posts others have written. This is a community, and writing and commenting and sharing is one way of strengthening that community. The goal is that we're not just sharing platitudes or one-liners, but we're really investing time in one another.
Next week, we will post the topic early so those who want more time to think can have it. Personally, Andrew and I like to be forced to write under a deadline (and there are always more ideas for blog posts than written blog posts) and this just works for us.