1. Best topic of the three chats I've done. The opening topic was "What classroom projects/assignments are you doing with #flipclass?" There was a lot of talk about the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, which I'm still pondering.
Another question asked what changed most in my classroom...
2. The thing that has changed the most in my classroom has been the grading and feedback students get. They sometimes get work graded in the same period it's turned in. Instead of collecting DOL notebooks (and carting 120 home every other weekend....ugh), I can grade them through Edmodo in SECONDS.
3. Another change is that I've relaxed my rules about using non-academic English. It's still encouraged, but when we're using backchannels, I don't push them to make it published quality. The emphasis is on quality of response, NOT conventions of English.
4. Yet another change in terms of grading, is the issue of mastery vs. standard points. Even today, when I told students that they needed to show mastery to pass the unit, they asked, "But how many points is this worth?" I explained mastery again, and they seemed to get it, but it's slow going. They are used to getting points based on effort (which I did to encourage my students, most of whom struggle academically and have not been successful in previous English classes) and now they don't. It's a slow process.
5. I found a few more English flippers. That's exciting! I could be wrong, but it really feels like there are fewer than 15 of us flipping HS English in the US. I would love to be proved wrong, and find a ton of flippers who just aren't active on Edmodo or Twitter. If you aren't connected with me on one of those two places (@guster4lovers on Twitter, edmodo profile at edmodo.com/morrisflipsenglish) please get connected - I'd love to meet you.
6. The English flippers are planning to do some summer collaboration, particularly on videos. More info when we figure it out! :-)